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Chapter 6: 'Ki' Training

Hello, LegendaryGomo is back.
Here another chapter for my series.

One more week before a new semester of my final year in university begins.
Right now, I will try to change a little bit on my series.
From now on, I will try to change the main character perspective so that the action can be clearly shown from 3rd person to 1st person. Actually, it’s hard to do that but I will try.


Kojo Village. At the back of the house, under the shade of the roof made up of stacks coconut leaves, I the heart of god was sitting while holding the book. Grandpa and the others do not know, but in the front page of the book, ‘The Guide for Aikido Mastery’ was written. The words do not show up when the grandpa take it out from the box because what I see at that time is just an old tattered book smelled a bit like a rotting wood.

When grandpa pass it to me suddenly I feel a surge of energy came out of it, surrounded my body and in just a few moments, it had been sucked into my body. When I realised all the energy surrounded my body is gone, the words appear on top of the book.

At that time, I think that this book must be special and there must be some secrets inside it. I do not know the word ‘Aikido’ written on it. Nevertheless, it is a guide book, I will try to master it since I need to power up first before going on the journey searching for all those gods to recover my memories. So, I make it my top priority.

First chapter of the book describe what is ‘ki’ and how to feel the ‘ki’ from surrounding and from inside the body. Based on the book ki is very natural as it flows in and out of the body like a wind blow through the space between the leaves or the blood flowing through the smallest veins in blood vessel. The concept is similar but a good practitioner need to be able to detect and feel this flow.

By the time I want to start my training on detecting ki flow, the siblings, Sara and Sana came to me.

“Hatokami onii-san, can we join too?” With an innocent face, they asked me.

I agreed by nodding. Then, both of them came closer and sat beside me. Sara is on the left and Sana is on the right.

“What type of training do you do, onii-san?” Sara asked me.
I told her that I was worked on the basic of ki which is detecting ki flow.

“Oh!! It’s easy. Let me show how it is done”
Then, Sara demonstrated it. She sat in the seiza position and breath normally, then surrounding energy gathers around her in no time at all.  I gaped my mouth seeing something amazing. Then, again the energy disappeared like it being sucked by something. Since I do not understand what happens, I asked Sara to explain it for me. But what I got is only a vague answer since she just replied, “You know, I see it, collect it and absorb it.”

Ponpon! Sana knocks Sara heads twice and glared at her.

“That’s not the way you explaining to someone, it’s the reason why Grandpa don’t want you to teach other children even though you are skilful at it” Sana raised her voice to Sara.
“I’m sorry, Sana and Hatokami onii-san, but it is how I done it.”
“Well, onii-san, Sara always like that, she is good at it but bad at explain it.” Sara told off the dejected Sana
“Onii-san did you sense the ki energy surrounded the Sana when she demonstrated it to you”

I nodded at her. Then she explained it to me step by step. Ki energy can be found anywhere and it can even be found in the surrounding or in the air. The problem is how to gather and take control of it. She told me the first step is find to find a comfortable seating position, then, straightened up the body posture which is keeping the spine straight. Sara did all of it through the seiza sitting position. Next, relax and calm down the mind which is to be aware and control the emotions. Finally, be aware of the breathing, inhale and exhale.

“It’s difficult at first but once you continuing these meditation, one day you can sense the surrounding ki flow easily.” Sara finished the explaination.

“Sara, how about the collect and absorb?” I simply asked her.

She told me to focus on this first because I need to sense it freely before I can gather it. It’s almost midday, so without wasting any more times, I follow each step carefully starting from seating position, relax my mind and body, and be aware of surrounding by controlling my breathing and emotions. Surprisingly, when I do it, it seems that my mind was floating in the air, I can sense the air blowing and the sounds of the birds chirping and insects hissing and buzzing from the near bushes.

As my minds merge with it, I sense something familiar in the surrounding, the same ‘ki’ energy that came out from the books, this ‘ki’ is somehow different compare to the ‘ki’ energy surround the Sana earlier. It is just I feel really nostalgic somehow. Then, I move near to it and imagine a hand to touch it. Let alone touching it, my minds suddenly merge to that ‘ki’ energy reaching the state of unity. That ‘ki’ energy flow around my body for a while and again it disappeared after being absorbed by my body. I do not know where it goes but I know that it was inside my body.

As I mediating, the sun already goes down turning to day to night, only the lamp oil bright the area where I sit. I do not notice it and continue mediating as the time stop moving.

Without eating nor drinking, time passes day and night a few times and when I wake up it’s already been a full week. But I do not know this because I think it is on the same day. When I go inside the house feeling very hungry, the families who are sitting in front of the table all have a shocked expression on their faces. But I do not know about it.


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