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Disclaimer Policy

1. Nature of the blog
This blog is used to give the readers a chance to read a Japanese web novel that is translated to English by me. The readers also got the opportunity to read my own original novel that is updated a few times in a week before an official chapter is uploaded to under the name of author LegendaryGomo. This blog content is an opinion-based and these contents does not reflect to any ideas, ideologies and any point of views of any organisation.

2. Accuracy of information
The information on this blog is authentic to the best of my knowledge. It may prone to any error or grammar mistakes since I am Asian and Japanese is not my first language. Some translation may be incorrect.

3. Your authority
This blog is created for entertainment and informative purposes. It must not be perceived as professional advice in regards to health, finances or story lines. The readers should rely on any information at their own risk.

4. Reservation of rights
I am eligible to change or decide how to manage the information on this blog. If the translated Japanese web novel is been serialized and upon the author advise, the translated progression will stop and those novel will be dropped and any chapter published in this blog will be deleted. Any copyrights of the chosen web novel lies upon the author.
