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Chapter 5: The Changes

As promised, here is the latest chapter of my series. It is quite short.


Before the fragmented gods reached the land after the incidents, the broad evolution occurs on the entire world. The land which has been flourish turn upside down, the animals who have been living properly suddenly become fierce, untameable and some of them evolve into a monster that destroy and reproduce at fast rate. The beings in the world that once live in a peaceful time, and now living for survivor. A law of jungle had been used in that time in which only those with power and strength survive the outburst of the monsters.

Then, the fragmented gods landed and give all the beings in their respective region of control, the powers and blessings to fight the monsters. At that time, the one that given them power was revered as a god and was worshipped. Each fragmented god give different kinds of blessings. Martial arts, magic, strength and many more.

All of these create a division between the gods. Initially, there are nothing happen as all the beings lived only for survivor. But as soon as they overpower the monster, a new desire – the greed of the beings cause the conflicts to happen.

Hatokami is standing silently while hearing to the story from the village chief. Based on the story, there are a few gods landed on the world that they are living right now. It is proven by the ability of the beings live in the world known as Axial. In Axial there are three known regions to the people, the north, the east and the south.

At the north and south region, it is unknown what ability does those beings have. But in the east at the region separated by the ocean, there was an old manuscript that say the beings that live there have the ability to control water. The beings are not referred only to human but half-beast, fairies, dragons and many more.

But in the centre of Axial world, the people that live in Kingdom of Maple, Republic of Maple, and the Empire, all of them have the ability to practice ‘ki’. But there are also people who have the ability to use magic, these people came from the guild country. No people have the ability to use both ‘ki’ and magic even if the offspring come from the father who have ‘ki’ and the mother who have the ability of magic. The offspring will inherit the most prominent ability from the parents.

Having listened to it, Hatokami now understand that the world he stands right now is called Axial and there are fragmented gods who are in this world. From the story, so far there are three fragmented gods – the one who give the ability of ‘ki’, the one who give ability of magic and the one who give ability of water control.

In order to search for his memory, he needs to meet all the fragmented gods. But he needs the power as the Axial people have the ability to fight against monster. In his current state, he can’t even beat the children. So, he asked the grandpa to teach him the ‘ki’.

“Very well.” The grandpa answered.
He then told Hatokami the basic of ‘ki’.
“Listen Hatokami-kun, ki is actually relate to an energy. Usually, when you are doing some work for example carrying a box, you need the power to do the work.”
“So everything you do required ki, is it right?” Hatokami asked.

“You are half-correct, Hatokami-kun. Yea, it is right to say that any work required ‘ki’ but doing work without basic is just waste of energy. You are going to be tired before you finished your work. A man with no basic of ki used more energy than a man with an understanding of ki. This is because the man who understand the ki knows how to focused his energy more efficiently.”

“OK, did you understand what that man is doing right now?” The grandpa pointed towards the man Hatokami asked before.
“The technique that he used is called ‘ki’ control, by feeling the existence of energy in the surrounding, he is able to absorb some of it into his body, then from that energy, he dispersed them into one point on his body. In this case, it is the hand because the work that he is going to do is digging a hole. So by applying some ki to the hands, the strength of the hands will increase, then his work rate will increase as well. It is really simple.”

Grandpa also told him that not all people can master the ‘ki’ technique. In the Kojo Village, no one mastered the ‘ki’ technique. What they know is only the basics, so they do not have the ability to beat the beasts or monsters. Luckily, up to now, no monsters have ever come to the village. One monster can totally destroy the village.

Listen to the explanation, Hatokami asked him to teach him the basic of it. Grandpa nodded happily and asked him to follow him back home.
Then, grandpa when inside the basement and take out an old box full with a rust and completely surrounded by the webs. He then brings it in front of Hatokami and unlocked the box.

Inside it, there is a book that is quite old and the front page is tattered and the word written on top of it cannot be read anymore.

“This is the book of guidance given by my ancestors. This book is used to teach the villagers about the basics of ki and how to control it. I will lend it you first.”

Hatokami hold the book and surprisingly he feels a weird sensation when touching it, it is like the book urge him to open it. Then, with a desire to know, he opens it and suddenly a gust of energy came out and surrounded his body. That energy is then had been absorbed into his body and he no longer able to detect the presence of that energy.

“Um…grandpa, do you feel anything strange when holding it?” He asked a question to solve the mystery.
“No, for me it just a normal book. Even though the book is quite thick, we are only able to read the first chapter. After that chapter, it is a blank paper like it is an incomplete book.”

Unknowing by the grandpa, Hatokami the one who is able to sense the presence of the book, is able to see the words in the remaining chapters. What is written in there?

Soon, the practice begins.


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